Energy-saving environment
related products
20230110up to date
Technology development in the near future
Sterilization combined LED lighting using visible light 405nm可視光線405nmを使用した殺菌併用LED照明
Having experienced unprecedented human damage and economic loss due to the novel coronavirus that occurred in January 2020, and anticipating that the fight against unknown viruses will continue into the future, SAIKYO’s provided specialty technology (LED lighting) We started development with the idea that if we could incorporate UV405nm LED chips into lighting, we would be able to live safely and securely in our daily lives without worrying about sterilization and sterilization.
2020年1月に発生した新型コロナウイルスによる未曾有の人的被害経済的損失を経験し、将来に亘り未知のウイルスとの闘いが続くと予想される中で、SAIKYOの得意技術(LED照明)を利用し UV405nm LEDチップを照明に組み込む事が出来れば殺菌、減菌を意識する事なく日常生活の中で安全安心の中で過ごす事が出来ると考えて開発に着手しました。

Energy-saving environment related products
We provide Super energy saving LED system
9 years have passed since the eastern Kanto earthquake, although it is being forgotten, we are developing from the idea that it is necessary as a future.
Power supply circuit is unnecessary, power consumption is much smaller than before
Fluorescent light of extremely thin type is possible, also Task ambient lighting system it can be used for various purposes. It can be installed even in dark and narrow places etc! Customized according to usage and place of use You can do it.
Ultra-bright energy-saving street light system
Ultra-bright energy-saving street light type LED lighting
Now that mercury lamps are abolished, it is a great opportunity to switch to LED lighting. SAIKYO's mercury lamp alternative street light has a built-in power circuit and
it can be installed simply by replacing it.
Power consumption 36W (equivalent to 200W for conventional products)
Total luminous flux 4,320lm
Storage battery system for disaster prevention
Reconstructing the emergency storage battery system designed and manufactured in the previous , making it easy to use and increasing the capacity according to the needs of the user, and providing a very fulfilling product such as a microwave oven, stove, 270 mobile charging units, etc. Development, manufacturing and sales started.